09 December 2010

Traveling Back in Time–Texas Road, Butzbach, Germany

Deserted. Desolate. Melancholic. All words that describe the atmosphere of the United States military housing on Texas Road in Butzbach, Germany. Forty-two years ago, the last time I was there it was a vibrant place filled with military service people and their families. Now it is empty and sad. I shared this picture with you as part of identifying the buildings you can see in the background.

Here are those same buildings on 25 November, 2010:
Texas Road (7 of 1)

Our apartment is the balcony on the third floor at 17 Texas Road in Butzbach:
Texas Road (10 of 1)

The balcony below is behind me in the old picture above.
Texas Road (1 of 1)

These pictures should give you an idea of how empty it is here now. This is our apartment building:
Texas Road (2 of 1)

and our street:
Texas Road (3 of 1)

and looking directly up from our street:
Texas Road (4 of 1)

and looking left:
Texas Road (5 of 1)

and looking right:
Texas Road (6 of 1)

Seeing our old home would have been overwhelmingly sad if I hadn’t shared the experience with my parents and my sister. I am so grateful I was able to visit Texas Road in Butzbach with them. Texas Road (8 of 1)

It turns out that we were not alone in our feelings. This huge empty United States housing area interconnects with civilian Butzbach residential areas. All of the citizens we spoke with reflected the loss they felt due to the departure of the Americans. The economy of Butzbach has suffered; stores and restaurants have closed. It will probably be years before Butzbach is able to economically rebuild what it has lost. The young adults say that it is very boring there now and the older people miss the loss of their friends and neighbors. There must be many United States service families who are missing Butzbach too. 

Thank you for coming along on my trip to the past.

You can read the other parts of this story here.

Scrappy Gen


  1. We used to live in Butzbach, from 98-00. We lived in the building near the baseball field, behind the shoppette, right near a playground and some kind of power station. We used to tell my son it was a cloud factory because we would always see steam rising out of it. We also had a view of the prison tower. I think our street name was Ohio, but I'm not sure. Thanks for posting these pics. Brings back memories.

    1. Yes I lived there too back in 73-75. Best place growing up, good memories. My apartment was 4B Ohio road.

    2. We lived at 6E Ohio from 74-77

    3. I was there the same time I believe, I had a teacher named ms hesburger I don’t know if you remember who that was and there was ms ward too

  2. I used to live in Butzbach 93 or 94 to 2000 so many memorys i was only 9 years old when we left that area its sad how its empty but there were alot of memorys. I used to live near the day care center.

    1. Your comment about the day care center brought tears to my eyes. We lived in the military units at Butzbach when I was in 10th grade. We were the northern most place that went to high school in the capital. There were only 10 or 12 of us. The students at the army base right north of us got to stay in the dorms through the week and come home on the weekends.

  3. It is sad, but if you stand still and listen you can almost hear the sounds of people and children like it used to be. Victoria, I love the cloud factory story!

  4. I happened upon some YouTube videos last night that got me started looking for additional information about Roman Way housing area. My family lived there from 1977-1980. My father (since passed away) was a Major at the time, and we lived on Texas Ave (don't know the building, it was the 2nd "stairwell" building on the right as you headed up from the front gate). We were in the first stairwell, apt A. Tons of memories, I was there from 5th - 8th grade. Mom worked at the dispensary part of that time. Thank you for posting this.

    1. John, I know which building you are referencing and we lived on the same street (other end in 22B Texas). Did you have a little sister named DeeDee? If so, I think she was friends with my little sister.

    2. I lived in Butzbach from 76-78. I was in the 5th.-7th. grade. Went to Butzbach grade school and Giessen jr. high My brothers played football for the Butzbach Bills. Doug and Terry Arnold.I do remember the bills going to the championships.We had some great times. My dad was stationed @ Bad Nauheim. We lived in the apt. right by the baseball field. We could open up uor bathroom window and watch the game.It was right by the DYA. The germans also use to put on a carnival @ the end of the football field. Those were some of the best times of my life. Hope to hear from someone i might know.

    3. I used to live in building 6516 apt. 16B from 1987-1991 when my daughter's father was stationed at "The Rock" I would like for her to visit there now that she's an adult. Thanks for sharing the memories.

    4. Live there between 1978 to 1982. I think the road name was virigina. Went to geissen jr high. And 10 th in frankfurt. Lots of fun memories playing basketball for the d.y.a, swimming pool up the hill behind the grade school. I think the hill was called suicide hill. Hanging around with friends. Can't forget the food and beer. The traveling carnivals. Walking to town and to passing the prison. Would of love to see the housing area before it was torn down. Hi to friends I can remember tom, lisa, allen, helmet, josephine, david, roy. Thank for the memories julia.

    5. I also lived there, but on Michigan St., from 1981-82. 4th and part of 5th grade. I remember Ms. Boyles and Mr. Church.
      - Robert

    6. Hey Shari Arnold we lived in Butzbach from 1974-1977 in the Roman Way Housing Area. It's been so long but I think we lived on New York Rd. I could look out my bedroom window & see the prison which we walked by many, many times going to the movies on base. My sisters & I played softball, basketball & were cheerleaders as well. My father Ted Brasfield was our softball coach. I have some great memories of riding on the big green bus to sporting events out of town as well as to DYA dances out of town! I, too, attended Butzbach Elementary School & Giessen Jr. HIgh. My name at the time was Lorrie Brasfield & my sisters names were Terri & Karen. I was so sad to hear that the housing area was tore down. I have always wanted to take my daughters & grandkids on a trip to Germany, Those were some of the best times of my life!!

    7. 1974-77 3rd-5th grade. Walked by the prison plenty of times. My dad ran the movie theater and mom ran the consession stand lol. I yhink I saw about every movie that came out and Pippi Longstocking on Saturday matinees. Area44 where they use to race cars. We even found underground tunnels that we use to go in on the german side. So many good times to post. Volks march too. I remember going to some camp in the 5th grade where we shared it with other german kids. Does anyone remember any of this?

    8. I lived in two of those same buildings on Texas Road between January 1963 and the spring of 1965. When we first moved in, we were in temporary housing... the top floor with those gabled windows. As I recall, our apartment spanned the entire length between two stairwells (so had a front door and back door) and had about 8 bedrooms along a long hallway. Permanent quarters were a more normal apartment size. We were on the second floor, right side, of one of the buildings, but I do not remember the number.

      I attended first grade in the main elementary school and second grade in an overflow quonset hut near a shopette, as I recall. Classroom space was so tight, we attended second grade either only part of the day so the classrooms could be used for another group of second graders.

      An old man would come along underneath all the balconies in the evening and play for tips. Another would come around in an old car, the trunk packed with gummi bears, some kind of honey you could lick from a seashell and other candies and treats for the kids.

      We moved on to Kieserslautern during the summer of 1964.

    9. I was stationed at the Schloss Kasern from 71 - 73. Repaired a/c units and 60kw generators at the DSP. Had a good time traveling around Germany until the September 72... when the Israels were killed at the Olympics.

    10. Lorrie Brasfield this is Diana Smith then I remember you and your family. We were friends for a little bit, along with Debbie Mines in the 6th grade I believe.

    11. Lorrie Brasfield this is Diana Smith then I remember you and your family. We were friends for a little bit, along with Debbie. Mines in the 6th grade I believe.
      Faith Hansen lived across from me.

    12. Whomever responded onJune 25, 2014...this is David Worley. I was best friends with David Juarez, Helmet and Tom. Reach out if you see this post

    13. I loved at 1575 New York road from 1963 till 1966
      I remember it well
      Went to elementary school there
      Walked many times past the old prison shaped almost liked a nazi figure toshloss. kaserne post to go to movies
      Walked up the hill behind school to go to swimming pool on top of hill!
      Many fond memories of Butzbach

  5. You are very welcome. I think that it is very important for military families to document their homes. I think it can be grounding.

  6. What haunting images! My father was a heavy tank battalion commander in the former West Germany. As a young elementary schoolgirl, I lived with my family in this housing area from about 1958 to 1961. I never knew it was called "Roman Way." The buildings you photographed were probably just footsteps from our old address, 13-F Texas Rd.

    The time I spent in Butzbach was magical. We skated on the ice rink in town -- at least I *think* it was in Butzbach, but it may have been in a neighboring village -- and one day we watched as a Gypsy caravan, brighly painted and full of people my mother wouldn't let me anywhere near, rolled on wooden wheels along the dirt road that ran alongside the housing area.

    Ny father passed away in 1985 without making it back to Butzbach, but my older brother has kept in touch sporadically with an old friend and got together with him there before the U.S. military pulled out its forces. Thank you so much for the vivid remembrance.

    1. I was in Butzbach from May of 1956 when the 3rd Armoured gyroscoped to Germany until May of 1957 when my Dad was transferred to Heidelberg. I was in 6th grade -- had a wonderful teacher Mr. Urgo who took us on trips into the woods. We watched the gliders take off. The Germans used jeeps to tow the gliders into the air. I remember a little store very near the housing area that sold gummi bears by the pheffing. My first taste of gummi bears -- never to be forgotten. My first serious piano lessons with a German piano teacher ie serious, lots of scales and drills but I learned a lot.
      I think we lived on Texas Rd, first floor, four bedroom apartment.
      Rebecca Snyder

    2. Rebecca Snyder, I was in the Army and stationed in Butzback from Nov of 1954 to May of l956. In May of 2014 my wife and I are going on a trip to Europe. We are going to extend our stay one day so we can go to Butzback. I would like to get any info about Butzback you have to share. My e mail is guycindy@cox.net Thank you

  7. Dear Anon, You are so welcome. If you get a chance to go back, you should grab it. The people in town were very warm and welcoming and love Americans.

  8. I spent time at the 70th Trans Co. from Aug. 69 till Dec. 70. Not a bad place to serve your country. Too bad it's all gone now! Memories to last a lifetime.

  9. hi folks,

    im a german guy (born in 74) woho lived form 79 til 96 in the "german housing" close to the roman way village (not the prison) ;-)
    i also have a lot of memories to the housing and it´s people. we had to pass the american housing on our way to the (old)town of butzbach. later on it was part of my daily way to school. you see it was part of my childhood and youth.

    also my first girlfriend was an american girl, her family lived in michigan road. unfortunately they left germany in the 90ies and we lost contact (in times before the internet!)

    i also remember the german-american "volkfest" near the baseballfield once a year. that was the place to get the best (american) icecream in germany!! :-)

    later in the 90ies i worked as a deliverer for a shop of used furniture. many americans were our customs (in butzbach, kirch-goens, giessen, bad nauheim, friedberg and so on). many of the gi familys bohgt some furniture to take it to the USA.

    it was a good time and i was sad too, when i saw your pictures above. all empty and without life. i havn´t been there for a longer time, because i also moved from butzbach in 1996.

    thank you for the pics and the little journey in time :-)

  10. So many people have fond memories of Butzbach and there were such good relations between the Americans and Germans there. Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts, memories and emotions. They are so touching.

  11. Brought back alot of child hood memories. I also lived there 79-81.Also, spent another tour in kitzagen 85-87. Would not trade childhood memories with any one else.thanks for the pics.

  12. Thanks for sharing these! We lived on Texas Road from 2004-2007, the first building on the right, as you came in the "gate" or passed the Shoppette. I agree that it's depressing! What a waste of perfectly good buildings. I didn't understand why they replaced the balconies RIGHT before closing down the housing area, made no sense to me. Anyway, I enjoyed seeing these photos, it makes me home sick for Germany and the wonderful town of Butzbach.

  13. Very Nice, I lived in butzbach germany with my family from 70-73, my dad was stationed at ayers kassern, we lived on Michigan st, I loved germany, growing up in butzbach in the early 70s was the best. The AYA, playgrounds, swim-badden at the top of the hill, walking to the scholss kassern to watch movies life was great. I spent 26 yrs in the army, three tours in Ge, however I never was station in butzbach , I took my kids there every tour, and went by in 05. I'm sad to see it go, We had great friends great fun, thanks for the memories

    Joel Crouse
    Sergeant Major US Army RET

    1. My family lived there 72-74 then moved to K-Town. I was in 8th grade and played AYA football with my brother Ricky. Butzbach Bruins, those were the best days of my life. Lived on Michegan Rd.
      Tony Richmond

    2. Hey Tony, my brother Houston Smith and I played. Football with you and Ricky in the early 70s. Butzbach Bruins rule! Remember when we played Berlin and got to ride the train through East Germany? Hey BTW if you're on Facebook you should join the Butzbach 70's Facebook group. There are tons of pictures including some of you and your brother and our football team. There are a bunch of people you will know there. Check it out.
      - Johnnie Smith

    3. Hi there.. Wow this is crazy! I (Vivian McLaughlin) lived with my mom, dad and sister, Cindy on Michigan - right across the street from Tony and Ricky Richmond! My Dad was a CSM - Joe McLaughlin based in Ayers Kasern. I will definitely be joining the facebook group to see more faces, etc. Yes, definitely remember all the good times we all had!

    4. This is Vivian's sister, Cindy. Do you guys remember the Boldens, the Canestrini's? The good times for me included the AYA, the candy and pomme frites at the bierstand, EVERYTHING in the town of Butzbach. Christmas Eve walks through the town with my dad and Vivi while mom got the house extra special?
      My dad and I returned in 1992 to visit - mind you 17 years later - and when we went to the bierstand at the intersection of Michigan and something - the elderly lady says "CSM McLaughlin?" Unbelievable! It took a long time before the intense desire to return went away. What great memories.

    5. I live in Butzbach from 1970-1972 Went to Giessen JR and Frankfurt SR High. The girl that ran the Bierstand then was Lucia. I have so many great memories from there. The swimbad, camping out in the woods (after sneaking out) the long bus ride to Frankfurt High each day. I lived close to the dispensary across from the entrance to the german neigborhood. Does anyone remember Rick OValley?

    6. I remember Rick Johnny Bob and Mike OValley 2a and camped out with them all an area 44 Woods Etc & Swimbad and went to giesenjr and Frankfort High. Was there 70-73 and remember Lucia 2. This is VictorL. Brothers were Greg Tom and Steve. Greg graduated from Frankfurt was one of Rick's best friends. Who is this? Contact me. And thank you host for the pics and info was an awesome and memorable town and time. Please let me know how I may get more pics and info thanks Victor

    7. Yes I remember Rick OValley.. and Bob and Mike and Johnny too This is Victor L. I was there from 70 through 73. My brother Greg was one of Rick's best friends and all of us together often camped out in the woods of area 44 and the swimbad. Also went to giessen jr 9th and Frankfurt High 10th. I remember Lucia to from the bratwurst stand. She served awesome currywurst und pomfrets mit paprika! Who is this we must know each other? Thank you host of the site and if you can help connect us would be much appreciated thanks for the pics and please let me know of others VictorL. 70's Butzbacher awesome and memorable town and people!

    8. Yes I remember Rick OValley.. and Bob and Mike and Johnny too This is Victor L. I was there from 70 through 73. My brother Greg was one of Rick's best friends and all of us together often camped out in the woods of area 44 and the swimbad. Also went to giessen jr 9th and Frankfurt High 10th. I remember Lucia to from the bratwurst stand. She served awesome currywurst und pomfrets mit paprika! Who is this we must know each other? Thank you host of the site and if you can help connect us would be much appreciated thanks for the pics and please let me know of others VictorL. 70's Butzbacher awesome and memorable town and people!

    9. I remember Johnnie OV'Valley in the early 70's. Related?

    10. I remember Johnny O'Valley. Not sure if related. Early 70's. We lived on Virginia.

  14. Joel I don't remember you but I also lived there during the same time period. What great memory's I have of Butzbach. The AYA the swim badden. I lived on Ohio road overlooking the baseball fields.

    Kenny Parrish

  15. I lived there from 64 till 67. I have to look up the address later, but I remember I went to kindergarten in a quonset hut to the left of us. I remember a barbed wire fence surrounding a huge facility with a dirt road that led to town. I have to go and get out some old pics now. Thanks for the memory jolt.

    1. I was there in '63-'64 and went to 2nd grade in a quonset hut too, half days so they could re-use the rooms. I think mine was next to the shopette.

  16. I lived there from 2000-2004. Oh how I am homesick. It was the only place that ever really felt like home. Im going back one day to stay for sure.

  17. Christine Silveira- We lived in Butzbach from 1972-1975. 6D Texas Road..I will never forget hit. Loved sleeding down "dead man's hill" as we called it by the elementary school; picking pears, and cherries on our way to the swimbaad. I loved going to Foodland and getting a 0.10 ice cream sandwhich and playing fooseball against the teenagers. I still remember the football team colors - Black and Gold. One of the best times of my life!

    1. Used to live on Georgia St. 1974-1978. Dead man's hill brings back sooo many memories. My sister and I used to run around in the woods behind the School and even took short cuts to the schwim baden on the hill. I sure miss that place. Maybe one day I will be able to visit again.

    2. My name is Bertie Jones Jr. 50 yo now! I was in Butzbach with my parents from 71-75 on Virginia ave. in the middle stair well third floor!! I also went to Butzbach Elementary 2nd - 6th grade I remember our art teacher drove a new corvette so cool! Best friends was Jergen and Bettina Helms in our building! remembering area 54 in the woods is where my dad taught me how to shoot a little .22 rifle on a little range at the top of those hills love ti there! Anyone there then or may remember these years there feel free to email me at hilltopflock@yahoo.com

    3. I lived there 1970-1973 had some amazing memories. It does indeed look sad now; so much life before. I dated a German fellow named Karlheinz very nice guy. Hung out with Mayda Fortuno, Patti Wheeler/Wright, Gwen, Pam, the OValles, Rick, Mike, Bob, Johnny, Nonnie Crellin Seems like I remember Christine Silveria

    4. Live there as well from 70 through 73 and we must know each other because I remember maida Patty Gwynn Pam all the OValley Brothers Johnny was one of my best friends this is VictorL. My brother Greg was one of Rick's best friends who is this? We used to camp out with the other valleys in area 44 often and the swimbad too! We also lived on Virginia Avenue second building on left on the end deal valleys lived 3rd or 4th building on right, left end of bldg on Virginia Avenue to. We are in Virginia USA now and maida used to live here don't know if she's still here now? Feel free to contact me. VictorL.

    5. Wow I remember the Ovalles! I think it was Johnnie Ovalle that came over to our apt. We lived on Virginia from 70-72.

  18. Butzbach receives the most comments on my blog. It seems there is a universal longing for it. Have you all seen this website? http://stimpyrama.org/ghs/2499#1
    The pictures are beautiful, far better than the ones I took.

    1. Hi and thanks for sharing this website. Went to school in Butzbach and was often at "Pizza Shack" :-D

  19. We lived in roman way from 1987-1990. We lived right across from the prison with a playground in the front. I think maybe on Virginia. My children were young but loved it also.

  20. What memories. I lived there with my parents and brother around 1960 to 1963. Went to the elementary school. Sorry to hear it has closed down, had many great times there.

  21. I lived on Georgia St from 1999-2001. I want to visit again so badly, but these pictures brought back a lot of memories. I really grateful you took these! Thank you!

  22. Not sure if you all are aware but the housing area is either in the process of being torn down or has already been torn down. I have pictures that were sent from someone who recently visite there where the building were being ripped apart. It's so depressing to know that I'll never be able to see the first place my husband and I lived in the army and together as a married couple.

  23. I lived at 12 B Michigan Rd. from 1972-1974 with my mom, dad, and 5 brothers and sisters. My brothers and sisters went to Butzbach Elementary, but I went to Giessen American Jr High. My best memories are from the time I lived in Butzbach. I would love to visit again.

  24. Thank you so much for posting these pics. Sandra Mallicote bach then. I lived at 1A Texas Road as a dependant from March 73 to April 76. Lots of great memories, great friends and good times. I remember from my bedroom window could see all the way down Texas Rd to the AYA, kids coming and going and chatting from the window and also got to hear some pretty interesting conversations of kids who didn't have a clue there was someone listening. LOL Thanks Again!

  25. Deb, I can't confirm this. I'm one of the Germans who just got the chance to move into the former housing area. Some buildings close to the woods have been torn down but most are still there. And slowly people are moving in.

    As the roads have been renamed I can't 100% make out the old name of our street but it must have been either Ohio Road or Texas Road. The second street on the left, when you go up the hill... I would have to check at home, it's either building #6211 or something close to that.

    And to everybody who has the chance: Come over and have a look. I can only speak for ourselves but we would give you a warm welcome on your visit!

    1. Do you know Karlheinz Goebel

    2. I lived in Butzbach as a dependent 1955-56. Texas road last apartment on right, ground floor. We were the first to move into the apartments. We went to high school in Frankfurt. I would love to go back but to old to travel now. I have great memories of the town.

      Bob Caddell

  26. Very Nice pictures. I lived at 2-B Georgia from 1991-1994. Wish I would have taken move pictures. When I arrived as a brand new MP, the older guys would convince the younger soldiers that the elementary school was haunted. Stories of Roman Soldier ghosts.....
    Great memories.

    1. Actually there are Roman Ruins behind the old Elementary School. Used to Play around there when I lived in Butzbach. My mother always grounded me for it but couldn't keep away from there. Sure miss Georgia Rd.

  27. I lived at 2-B Georgia from 91-94. I loved Butzbach, it was so beautiful. As a new MP in the area, the older soldiers would try to convince the new guys that Roman Way was haunted. Ghosts in the elementary school, Roman Soldier ghost up by the shooting range. Good memories, and good times.

  28. I lived in Giessen from 1978 to 1979, before moving to Wiesbaden. My father coached DYA; Basketball, Baseball, and Football. I will never forget beating Butzbach with seconds left in the game, when I hit the winning shot. Butzbach had a kid by the last name: Crumley. I think his father was a LTC, great player. As I got older, it's amazing to find out that our point guard on our team, was Jamelle Holieway, a legend football play er for the University of Oklahoma, National Champion, and Heisman trophy winner.

  29. I had fond memories while living in Giessen; playing sports against some good Butzbach teams. Never forget playing Butzbach in basketball, and we hit the final shot at the buzzer to win. I remember playing against a kid by the name of Crumley, back in 1979. My dad, SGM Younce was the coach. The most amazing remembrance, still, to this day was our point Jamelle Holieway, who later won three National Titles, while playing for the Oklahoma Sooners in the 80's. Unreal!!!!!!!

  30. I had fond memories while living in Giessen; playing sports against some good Butzbach teams. Never forget playing Butzbach in basketball, and we hit the final shot at the buzzer to win. I remember playing against a kid by the name of Crumley, back in 1979. My dad, SGM Younce was the coach. The most amazing remembrance, still, to this day was our point Jamelle Holieway, who later won three National Titles, while playing for the Oklahoma Sooners in the 80's. Unreal!!!!!!!

  31. I remember playing Butzbach in all sports; my father was SGM Younce, he coached every sport imaginable for Giessen, a long time rival of Butzbach. I will never forget the game that we played in 1979, when we hit the game winning shot, with seconds left, to advance to the USAUER Championship. As I remember, Butzbach had a kid by the name of Dennis Crumley, I think his father was a LTC, stationed at Butzbach. Later, it comes to find out that our point guard, Jamelle Holieway, played on three National Title winning football teams at the University of Oklahoma, and considered to be the best option quarterback in College Football history, UNREAL

    1. LTC Denny Crumley was commander of the tank battalion 2-32 Armor. Good guy, don't know what happened to him. I was the brigade S-2 and then S-3 of the 2-36 Infantry on Ayes Kaserne aka " the Rock." My daughters (one born there) are all married ladies with kids now and hardly remember our years on Texas Road. Good years they were.

    2. LTC Denny Crumley was commander of the tank battalion 2-32 Armor. Good guy, don't know what happened to him. I was the brigade S-2 and then S-3 of the 2-36 Infantry on Ayes Kaserne aka " the Rock." My daughters (one born there) are all married ladies with kids now and hardly remember our years on Texas Road. Good years they were.

    3. LTC Denny Crumley was commander of the tank battalion 2-32 Armor. Good guy, don't know what happened to him. I was the brigade S-2 and then S-3 of the 2-36 Infantry on Ayes Kaserne aka " the Rock." My daughters (one born there) are all married ladies with kids now and hardly remember our years on Texas Road. Good years they were.

  32. Hello everyone- My name is Terence Smitherman, and I lived in Roman Way Housing Area from 1975 to 1977. Our address was 6-A Georgia Road. Some of my greatest memories from childhood occured in Butzbach. I miss the people, the culture, and especially the food. What would I give to savour the taste of currywurst, pomme frittes and brochen right now!!!

    1. Ilived in 10b from 74to 77 miss it a lot planning to go back and visit one day but do miss all m y friends my name is sidney

    2. Dont remember exact address where we were living.I remember that a german man named Herr Minck owned the candy store right beside the grocery store, he always walked a few Afghan dogs. had a elementary teacher named miss henson..

  33. We lived there too from 1998-2001. So many fond memories there. This was our first place as a young married couple with our little one (now 14). My friend, who was my neighbor back then, recently went in September 2012 and took pictures. Our building 6525 Georgia Road was one of the ones torn down. In fact, all of Georgia road is gone. Very sad. I wanted to take my kids there one day to show them our old "stomping grounds".

  34. So glad I found this site. I lived in butzbach from May 61 to June 64. Went to school there then Giessen for the 9 the grade. Don't know the name of the street but it was the next street down from the school in the second building from the main street coming into the housing area. Also lived in the building next to the youth center for the first 6 months in temporary housing on the 4th floor, 8 bedrooms! I loved living there, it was the only town we lived in that I cried when we moved. My dad had family that lived a few hours away and we were finaly able to get to know them. Remember walking to schloss kersern (I think it is called that) to go to the movies. Had to go through a small church graveyard to get there unless we went the long way. Yery scary. What great memories.

    1. Yes, we lived in one of those 8-bedroom 4th floor temporaries too. That was one long hallway, spanning from one stairwell to the next. An old man would deliver crates of German beer to our door. I still don't know how that little skinny guy carried those loads up all those stairs. Lived there from '63-'64. I was in 1st and 2nd grade at the time.

    2. I lived in housing from 2973 to 1966
      I remember elementary school
      Pool up behind the school
      Small store that introduced me to gummy bears!
      Hill we sledded on
      AYA dances
      Temporary housing on 4 th floor with so many bedrooms
      I could go on and on lived on New York road with big playground in the front yard

  35. Oh wow... My father was stationed at "The Rock" from 79-84 and we lived at 16-A Texas. The stairwell all the way on the end, nearest the field that you could cross diagonally to get to the Toto Lotto, Edeka Market, Bundespost etc. We also had a playground and basketball court behind our building (between my building and the one on the next street.)

    I was only there until I was 12, but I have great memories of playing at the DYA, going to the little shopping center just outside of the housing area and walking to our school up on the hill. Although, one year, I was in a cluster of three classrooms that was near the field behind the DYA. Never understood why we were so separate. I remember going swimming in the summer at the outdoor pool "on the economy" (not part of the American housing area) behind the school and up (yet another) hill.

    When I heard that the property had been turned back over to Germany and that the buildings were stripped of the wiring, pipes etc. for recycling, I was sad. I remember that they had just repainted our building from the drab white to the gold/rust brown color scheme in the photos. Friends who returned for addition duty tours saw renovated kitchens and baths. So sad that it is all gone.

    One last thing... when I was there, we didn't have these giant iron fences along the streets etc. Post 9/11 enhancement?

    1. We lived there at the same time.

      I was there from 82 to 84. Texas road. Second stairwell on the right coming in from the main road. 2nd story, left side, leftmost stairwell.

      Was in 6th grade in 83-84. Mrs... Uh... Mcmillan? We took a trip (us 6th graders) to Salzburg.

    2. Hi my name is Robert stehlik me and my brother's also lived in butzbac until around 86. I miss it so much I tell people about all the amazing times we had there my father was my baseball coach I also played football, basketball. Although for football because the dya didn't have enough the right football equipment we had to play flag football. Was an amazing time

  36. Oh wow... I lived on Texas Rd. I think 17-A... From 79-84. I remember that our unit was in the ends stairwell had 4 bedrooms, and was the bottom balcony on the right. The edge of our building was close to the field that we used to cross, diagonally, to get to the Edeka Market, Totto Lotto and Backerie. We had a basketball court and playground behind the building that I used to roller skate on. I used to walk to the DYA, the school up on the hill (go Roadrunners!) Oh, wait! Except third grade. I was in this cluster of three building joined in the shape of a T at the edge of the baseball field by the DYA. I have no idea why were were separated like that.

    I remember riding my bike EVERYWHERE! We would use our pocket change to go to the Schnell Imbiss for a bratwurst mit brotchen and pommes frittes and in the summer we would go to the outdoor swimming pool "on the economy", meaning not on the American housing complex, up the hill behind the school.

    Those were simpler times. Still worried about terrorist threats (I remember someone getting into their car one morning and it exploded) but overall we were pretty carefree as kids living here. Good times...

  37. Enjoy the posts. I also lived there '57-'59 in one of the buildings near that plant with the huge coal piles. Went to grade school, played baseball and listened to alot of "The Purple People Eater" song at the AYA when it came out. Long time ago with good memories when kids had fun running and playing outside.

    1. Hello, We are Butzbach oldtimers. Lived there from 1956-58 at 12B Texas Rd. My father was a Major in 7th Tank Btl at Ayers. The sports teams at that time were the Red Devils and the Ramblers. Also remember the insane sled run next to the elementary school. Very fond memories of Butzbach and Germany in general. We went back in 2008 but didnt make it to Butzbach. But I did recall how beautiful a country Germany is. We were all very fortunate to have been there.

    2. That is when I lived there. Frances Starling. My Dad was in charge of the NCO Club. I had friends named Joyce Riedel, Prissy Shields, Donnie Leggett, Felix , Alex Morales, David Johnston, Mike Bucci, Andrea Brown, Pam King and some I can't think of. Joyce and I played softball ( the Shamrocks) She was the pitcher and I was the catcher, and best friends. We were really like sisters. We still see each other as much as we can. She lives in Dayton Tenn. and I live in Wilmington, N.C. The time I spent in Germany at Butzbach was the best memories in my life. I wish I could go back in time and do it all over again.

  38. Hi all, it makes my heart swell when I hear such fond memories of the town that I was born in. Both of my parents are 100% German, however Dad while visiting the US in the 50's joined the American Army. After basic training he asked to be stationed in Germany, he was sent to Butzbach where he met and married my mom. My older brother and I were born in Butzbach in 1957 & 1959. My mothers parents (Wilma & Hans Bohlefeld) owned the Piccolo Pub & Restaurant where many Americans hung out which is how Dad met Mom! :-) I often look for souvenirs from Butzbach, but find it very difficult. My husband & I did go back about 15 years ago, I had trouble finding my way around since it had grown so since I was a child. The Piccolo is now owned by someone else and is not called that anymore. If you were standing on the fountain facing the town, the narrow street to the left would lead you to the Piccolo, it stood on a corner. We lived above it. Dad has since passed away, mom lives in the states with us but we miss our days in Butzbach.

    1. Howdy,
      I was stationed in Butzbach and enjoyed a "pub" called "Moms" I believe. The owners were somehow connected to the US Military in Butzbach and they had a young son that took to me. This "Mom's" pub was just a short distance towards the downtown Markplatz and fountain.
      Do you know of this pub of which I speak?

      My wife and I visited Butzbach in October 2014 and the "Mom's" pub is now being converted to a multi-family apartment.
      Thank you.
      JW Hansen

  39. I was stationed there in 1955 and it was a very nice place. I missed it when I left.

    Francis Whittier

  40. Hi,I'm a from Butzbach. Since I'm only 16 y/o I hardly rember the place and the people being here. But it's very sad that they have torn down most of the buildings now. It must have been great with all the Americans, here. It would be very cool if they would still be here.
    Now, Butzbach actually is a extremly boring and really run down town, which has no money to change it. Butzbach has lost the glory it once had by now. It's very sad to see this.

  41. i lived on Michigan Street, back in 1969-71. I remember looking out our windows and seeing the prison.

  42. I lived at 7 C Michigan Road from 1957 -1960 and attended Butzbach Elementary. Elvis Presley came to visit Mrs. Stanley who lived behind us with her three sons and later became his step mother. Butzbach was a wonderful town to live in.

    1. I also lived there at the same time as a kid going to the grade school there. My mom had a lot of sightings and stories of Elvis' dad Vernon. It was a fun time as a kid living there. I also spent a lot of time at those little candy stores (gummy bears) and the small bakeries that bordered the housing area. Sorry to hear about it "going away".

  43. I lived at 7C Michigan in the fifties. We loved living in Butzbach. One evening, my friends and I were playing when Elvis Pressley came to visit Mrs. Stanley who would later become his stepmother. She lived in the apartment building behind ours. Elvis stopped and chatted with us for a few minutes. My brothers and I attended Butzbach School.

  44. Is there a site for students who attended Butzbach Elementary to reconnect?

  45. I lived in the building next to the CDC and right across from the prison from 99-02. I was the middle stairwell, middle apartment on the right. I remember having to look at the prison wall every day. But, I do miss it.

  46. We lived there 68 to 71. I don't even remember the street any more. Just that it was the last row of housing on the right. Civilian housing was on the left. An apple orchard was across the road that a shepard used to walk his sheep through and we loved taking walks in the woods above the orchard and seeing sites such as the old Roman watchtower and going to the swimming pool. I loved visiting the town. I've never found fresh bread as good as what I bought in the bakery there and Christmas in Butzbach was special with all of the vendors set up along the street and the ride with the swings. I loved shopping there. So glad we had the experience. I remember going to the pizza vendor that operated out of a trailer in the civilian housing area and watching him throw the crusts in the air to stretch the dough and make the pizza to order. Oh and the Brotwrust and frits out of another vendors trailer. It was a wonderful town and such a friendly place to shop. I really hadn't realized that they had closed the post there. So sad.

    1. Our family lived in the housing area from 69-71 in the 2nd building on the right, and I graduated at the school in Frankfurt. Thanks for all of the wonderful memories that are flooding back!

  47. My memories are from 2003 and 2004. The support of the Germans during Iraqi Freedom was absolutely amazing. I have only the most wonderful memories of coming home from Iraq to beautiful Friedberg. My time in Friedberg was truly the best time of my life. The Germans and the Americans really got along well. That will always be home for me.

  48. I spent my first year of marriage with my Army spouse on the third floor above the Piccolo downtown Butzbach from 1968-1969 and maybe 70. I loved every moment, from shopping in the small stores to Sundays eating cake and window shopping. Christmas was magical and I wrote a fiction book that actually included a Christmas story about a friend and her fiancee who was a sailor and managed to get leave from Canne, France and surprise us (she was visiting) at midnight on Christmas eve and the old church. The Butzbacher Zeitung took a picture of my two German friends and me sitting on the diving board the first opening day at the swimming pool with a caption inviting others to visit - we nearly froze. The book is still available in ebook and Amazon Marketplace: Arirang: The Bamboo Connection.

  49. I spent my first year of marriage with my Army spouse on the third floor above the Piccolo downtown Butzbach from 1968-1969 and maybe 70. I loved every moment, from shopping in the small stores to Sundays eating cake and window shopping. Christmas was magical and I wrote a fiction book that actually included a Christmas story about a friend and her fiancee who was a sailor and managed to get leave from Canne, France and surprise us (she was visiting) at midnight on Christmas eve and the old church. The Butzbacher Zeitung took a picture of my two German friends and me sitting on the diving board the first opening day at the swimming pool with a caption inviting others to visit - we nearly froze. The book is still available in ebook and Amazon Marketplace: Arirang: The Bamboo Connection.

  50. thank you for these wonderful pictures. I was there in Butzbach from Aug. "69" to July "70" as a dependent.I am doing our family history and have been looking for years for pictures of the military housing area of Butzback. Thank you again for your research:) A. Lee

  51. Thank You for your pictures. I am doing the family history and have been looking for years for pictures and/or information about the Butzbach military housing area where I stayed as a dependent from Aug."69" to July "70". Again, thank you:)

  52. Being a single EM in 1968-69 when I was in Schloss, all I can relate to now is the friendly citizens of Butzbach. Had to live on post.
    I miss all the traveling and fun I had there. No female companions, just us buddies behaving badly at times.
    Oh for the good ol' days and to be able to go back there. Left after volunteering for Vietnam to get away from drinking like a fish. It worked, but at a terrible health cost. Live and learn.
    6/562nd 32AADCOM

  53. Wow!!!! It's certainly wonderful to read all these amazing posts!!! We lived in Butzbach from 69 to 72!!! Even though I was only 5 when we left I have so many memories!!! I don't know what street we lived on but it was right across the street from a school. I recall seeing sheep herders take the herd to pasture many times. Recall sliding down the slope behind our building on pieces of cardboard. Remember seeing Santa ride by on a horse one Christmas. Also remember taking many walks through the woods behind the school with my mother and sister. Also going to the butcher shop in the village. Does anyone remember a time when the yard in front of one of the buildings was filled with children because two little girls were throwing down chestnuts one by one from the balcony of a second floor apartment...my grandfather had brought us a box of chestnuts from Italy and we didn't know any better!!!! All the children kept cheering us on and we just kept throwing them over the balcony!!! My mother was upset with us but now she laughs everytime we tell the story!!! Many fond memories!!! It was such an amazing and innocent time!!!! If anyone can tell me the name of the street I will greatly appreciate it!!! TD

  54. I lived there from late 1958 to mid 1962. Ages 4 to 8. Address was 9D Texas Road (from an old report card). My best friend in school was Al (I do not remember his last name). I remember the sheep herders with their flocks in the field next to the apartments, the worms after a heavy rain, the candy store that 10 pfenning would get you more than a bagful of goodies, the playgrounds with the wooden swings (I still have dreams of the danger), being outside all day long (no TV), the colored entrance doors (I know I made more than one mistake), no trees or fences, scooters, blonde housekeeper named Inge, the night time alarms and mobilizations - I remember more than I thought. My mother told me I used to speak fluent German, all I can do today is count (even today). One day soon I hope to go back. The town looks absolutely wonderful.

  55. It is so nice to see that kids had such a great time during their time at Butzbach...We were there 58 to 60..I played all the sports and even the 9th grade basketball team before we left for Fort Dix..Alex Morales and I lived in the same building..Thanks for the ability to comment...

    1. I lived at the opposite end of the building from Alex. What is your name? My name was Frances Starling

  56. My family and I also lived on Texas in Butzbach, Germany. We live there from 1991-1994. I don't remember the apartment number, but we lived on the second floor left side apartment. The apartment was a part of the group of apartments closest to the tree line. Myself and my brothers and sisters all attended Butczbach Elementary. Very fond memories of our time in Butzbach, and very fond memories of other places in Germany.

  57. My family and I also lived on Texas in Butzbach, Germany. We live there from 1991-1994. I don't remember the apartment number, but we lived on the second floor left side apartment. The apartment was a part of the group of apartments closest to the tree line. Myself and my brothers and sisters all attended Butczbach Elementary. Very fond memories of our time in Butzbach, and very fond memories of other places in Germany.

  58. Hi,
    I was staioned with C Co 51st Inf 3rd Armd 1958-1961and also had the fortunate duty to serve in the dental clinic which was up in the Military housing area. I met a number of wonderful people and like most of us, have fond memories. Then again this was the age of growth. The chance to have begun developement in life started right there in Butzbach. Have a nice day. Charles

  59. I lived eventually lived Texas also ... my first house was at the top of the hill across from the dispensary. As a kid I went to Giesbach (Giessen/Butzbach) and then to Frankfurt HS. My last name is Tripp and there were 6 kids (I'm the oldest) in my family, so if you where there from 73-76 you probably knew someone in my family. I loved my experiences their and if you don't know it ... there's a facebook group for Butzbach!

  60. Wow. This brings back memories. My Dad was stationed in Kirchgoins (spelling?) 1962-1965. We started out at 5G Georgia Road, (temp. quarters), then to 9B Michigan Road. Five kids when we got there and 6 when we left. ages 11 and down. I remember a lot of kids from school.We are the Branch family. Debbie, Patty, Doug, Sherry, Kenny and Tina.

  61. There used to be a web link to a Schloss Kaserne "forum" page. Many, many former Kaserners have posted to that page.
    Does anyone have the link to that page? I can no longer find it and am going to be in Butzbach in September and October 2014.
    Please send the link to me if you have it.
    Thank you.
    Butzbach '68-'69

  62. My ex-husband and I were stationed at Gießen Kassern and lived on Texas Rd from 1998-2001. These pics bring back so many memories! We were there during 9/11 and I will always remember the incredible outpouring of care and concern from our civilian neoghbors. Thank you so much for sharing!

  63. My father was stationed in Butzbach in the 1950s, and we lived at 1FOregon Road (down the street from the elementary school). Thanks for posting this and bringing back long-buried but phenomenal memories!

  64. Thank you for the wonderful memories. We lived there from 76-79 and I went to Butzbach Elementary and then 7th in Giessen. I do not remember the name of our street but we were the second building down from the bratwurst stand. I remember going to the camp at Bad Orb and all the great people, food and cool castles and an imp named Doug Roberts.

  65. I lived in Butzbach, at 2B Ohio Road from October, 1958, to February, 1962,. I was 15 when I arrived and 20 when I left. It was a wonderful place to live. I have been back several times and it was great to eat at the same restaurant as I had in 1959, to visit the museum, to walk the cobblestone streets and to ride the train round-trip from Frankfurt. I graduated from FAHS in 1959 and attended the U of Maryland in Munich. I was exposed to so many educational things while living in Germany and consider this time as very special. I am a very fortunate person.

  66. I lived in Roman Way housing area in 77 and 78. Lived on Virginia St! I know this is an old post, but hopefully those just getting here will see this post, check Facebook, there is a group called Butzbach 70's, however I know many people who were there in different years that frequent this group. I have been able to connect with many friends from the years I was there, and saw many awesome pics I have not seen in years! Thanx for the memories!!!

  67. We lived in Butzbach in the 50's. Looking at these pictures is eerie. I can still remember the apartment that we lived in so clearly. I remember that our building was at the end of a row and there was a big open field beside it. I was just a child but I remember taking leeks to my mother's French friend who lived in one of the other buildings. I remember that our building had a basement level and my siblings and I would play hide and seek in it. I remember a wonderful Christmas that we had there with my German relatives visiting. I still have the baby doll carriage that I got that year. Thank you for the memories.

  68. We first lived in Neiderkleen in 90 or 91. Then 92 moved to Roman Way we lived right across from the Elementary School. I forget the road. We lived in the end stairwell 3rd floor right across from imbiss. We lived there until Jan 1996. My children attended school from 1st grade until like 7th. Christopher Marett and Natalie Marett. Would love for them to be in touch with old friends. I remember some names but not last names on most The Moreno's martin, jessica, jessenia. I remember a katie hume ( maybe) abd she had an older sister and a baby sister. She was my son's first girlfriend. I remember a boy who would of been born in 83-84 Edward very sweet young man spend nights at our house. He had brothers and sist ers. Tim onuska mother was Tilly a German Lady married to a GI. Gosh I have pictures of tons of kids can't remember all they're nanes. I coached my kids ball team one summer cause all men were deployed. I remember a red headed boy Bryan. If you remember us contact me. Toms lana baby at ya hoo thanks!!

  69. I lived in Roman Way Village in 1960 - 1962. I went to the elementary school 1 year and went to Giessen Jr. High School. In 1962 I moved to Bad Nauheime for 2 years. Went to Frankfurt American High School for 2 years. Loved the AYA dances and sports.

  70. I was station in Butzbach from November 1973 to February 1978. There I coach dya baseball from 1974 to 1977. In 1975 I had an awesome little league baseball team that won the regionals in Giessen and then the USAREUR championship. Many memories of Butzbach I still have plus it is where I got married twice, first at the Ratzhaus by German law and the next day at the Butzbach Schloss Kaserne chapel. I do remember the Picolo Gasthaus and that we call it mom's. How I used to party there alot and also a small Gasthaus that was next to it where I would work up a credit tap and had to pay on every payday. Also there was an Italian pizzaria at the corner of the markplatz that I had considerable portions and credit. The people of Butzbach were always nice and treated me as their own. When I got there I spent my weekends or any days off with my German friends since we were the same age group teenagers n up. Wonderful memories I hope I get to visit Butzbach again, my last visit there was when I pcs's to the states from my second tour in 1986. Ich liebe Butzbach und Deutschland.

  71. I was station in Butzbach from November 1973 to February 1978. There I coach dya baseball from 1974 to 1977. In 1975 I had an awesome little league baseball team that won the regionals in Giessen and then the USAREUR championship. Many memories of Butzbach I still have plus it is where I got married twice, first at the Ratzhaus by German law and the next day at the Butzbach Schloss Kaserne chapel. I do remember the Picolo Gasthaus and that we call it mom's. How I used to party there alot and also a small Gasthaus that was next to it where I would work up a credit tap and had to pay on every payday. Also there was an Italian pizzaria at the corner of the markplatz that I had considerable portions and credit. The people of Butzbach were always nice and treated me as their own. When I got there I spent my weekends or any days off with my German friends since we were the same age group teenagers n up. Wonderful memories I hope I get to visit Butzbach again, my last visit there was when I pcs's to the states from my second tour in 1986. Ich liebe Butzbach und Deutschland.

  72. We lived in the Gastehaus, next to the train station, in 1981. It was truly our first place, after getting married. We're going to visit Butzbach on our 35 Annivesery this year in june. I haven't been able to figure out if the gastehaus is still there or not. We plan on going to all the places we went to 33 years before, to the extent we can remember them. It will be a very different place with all the bases closed. Anyone else tried this, have any advice on what worked and what didn't?

  73. My Dad was stationed in Butzbach from 1959-1963. We first lived in the attic temporary quarters - can't remember the name of the street - before moving to 7B Texas Road for the remainer of his tour. I remember the big hill behind our apartment building where all the neighbor kids would come to sled. My brother, sister and I used to hang out at the AYA with our friends, and on weekends we would be bused to the movie theater on base. It cost 25 cents! Although I was pretty young, I still remember Butzbach fondly.

    1. We lived at 15-F Texas Rd and came with the advanced party of the 3rd Armored Div from Ft Knox in Feb-Mar 1956. My dad CWO Polk and my mother was AYA director from the day the building was built until we left in Mar of 1959. My mother got AFN in Frankfurt to announce the winner of the Purple People Eater drawings at a Purple People Eater Hop at the AYA "Teen Club" and kids were bused in from all over northern Germany for the live AFN broadcast. They had to rotate the kids into the AYA center because of fire code limits in the building.

    2. Lived in Romanway.9a MichiganRd.59 through 62.Have same memories.It was very speacial at that time as a kid.Started 1st Grade there.

    3. Patty (Branch) HartmannFebruary 25, 2023 at 9:08 PM

      wow. That was across the hall from us. We were 9B Michigan 62-65. There were 5 of us kids. Debbie, Patty, Doug, Sherry, and Kenny. Probably played together. Your post is anonymous.

    4. Patty Branch HartmannJuly 17, 2023 at 9:50 PM

      Oh my! We lived there 62-65 . After temp on Georgia Rd. We lived at 9B Michigan! Would have been across the hall from you. We were the Branch family. My younger brother Doug would have been in the first grade.

  74. We, too, lived on Texas Road 17C - second floor from Jan 1985 - Dec 1987. Returned in 2011 with our son who was born there. Now I understand Roman Way has been demolished. Thanks for the pictures you have posted here. Truly a special time.

  75. Lived @ Ahlhorn AB, went to Delmenhorst American School, stepbrother went to Osterholz-Scharmbeck High. Don't remember years, was in late 80's, left not too long after tore down Berlin Wall.

  76. We lived on New York Road Feb 99 to 2002. Very good memories of this beautiful area. Hiking the trails or biking through the woods. Loved how we were able to walk everywhere. Really no car needed other than for my husband to go to "work" in Friedberg. My son attended Butzbach Elementary. He now is 21 and a college student. The 3 years there were truly a great experience. Never missed the USA much while being there. Except did not like stairwell living that much. My husband was a building coordinator and always something going on with that. Still so many good memories.

  77. Hello!

    We are living in Butzbach now, right in the old housing area. We found this page and would like to send you old and new pictures of the place. You can follow us at Instagram @housing_area https://www.instagram.com/housing_area/
    If you have a wish, let us hear about it at Instagram and we will try to take a picture or video for you.
    Greetings from Butzbach
    Michael & Till

    1. Lived there 68 - 70, graduated from Frankfurt High, then came back as a Soldier, stationed at the Schloss Kaserne until 72 as an MP. Then went to CID in Frankfurt's IG Farben Blndg.

  78. Hi I'm Robert Place I live in butzbach for 1973 to 1979 at 6530 3 r gorgae rd if anyone one has any pics can u please share them my email is okmowtonmangmail.com I miss that place

  79. Hi, I'm Chris, I grew up in Butzbach. I'm American but my family is German and they moved over there when I was 4. I used to walk through Roman Way on my way to school - I believe Michigan Rd was the street I passed through. My mom worked for the legal center down at Schlosskaserne (forgot what the US name was for it) until the late 80s and later in Gießen for logistics until they closed it in the mid 90s.

    It's nice to read others having fond memories of the place...

  80. Live there 84-85 I was only 5, but I do remember us kids found some underground tunnels wouldn't go to far cuzz we was scared. And I remember eating at a burger king all the time

  81. We lived there in 1966,reading these comments brought back many memories.i was 6 at the time,like the old German blind guy that would come in the evening and play taps on his bugle,the bunker on the corner,the candy store up the street,cub scouts,the woods we played in,the prison breakout.and many more memories.

  82. We lived there in 1966,reading these comments brought back many memories.i was 6 at the time,like the old German blind guy that would come in the evening and play taps on his bugle,the bunker on the corner,the candy store up the street,cub scouts,the woods we played in,the prison breakout.and many more memories.

  83. We lived there in 1966,reading these comments brought back many memories.i was 6 at the time,like the old German blind guy that would come in the evening and play taps on his bugle,the bunker on the corner,the candy store up the street,cub scouts,the woods we played in,the prison breakout.and many more memories.

  84. We lived on the corner of Texas and Roman Way 1962-1964. It is sad to see it empty and of little use to anyone. I remember the long basement tunnels we used to play hide and seek in. The maids quarters in the very top of the building where I attempted to become a ballerina. The playground out back with what seemed the longest and highest teeter-totters in the world. I remember the German kids that passed through base on their way to school as we headed up the hill to elementary school. They dressed in the traditional lederhosen. They reminded me of Hummel figurines and were as curious of us as we were of them. I too remember the gummi-bear type candy we would purchase in a little shop in Butzbach. We played baseball and sledded down the long hill behind the quarters coming up Roman Way. We learned to bail off just before the ditch at the end. My brothers loved to take the hose and flood out the field mice at the end of our building complex. I remember my brothers good friend, Willy Craft, the colonel's son that lived at the bottom of the big hill. My favorite thing to do was walk down the hill to the AYA and get a hamburger or other treat and visit the castles. It was a venture of a lifetime. Thanks for the memories!

    1. Patty (Branch) HartmannFebruary 25, 2023 at 9:13 PM

      We were there at the same time. So many good memories!

    2. We were there at the same time, 9B Michigan. Branch family. Debbie,Patty, Doug, Sherry, Kenny and Tina!

  85. Lived in Roman Way 70-72, first in temp quarters on top floor, then moved to 2d floor. I have good memories of the sledding hill, and the little trailer there where they sold American style hamburgers.Our unit would train in the wooded area behind the housing,we called it area 44.My wife taught at the military school. Randy K.

  86. Lived at Roman way from 1955 -1959..7c Virginia way...teen car just being built...spent lots of times in the huge coal plant piles...used to pull a sled to school..then fly down Deadmans hill..walk to schloss kaserne to see the latest Elvis movie..found all kinds of Kool stuff digging in Roman ruins..dad was with 3rd armored division and sent from ft Knox in 1955

  87. We were there 64_67. Loved it there, we lived in the 2nd bldg on right middle stairway 1st floor. I remember Felton Jones was in one of my classes. Dad was a CWO at the site on the hill.

  88. Lived in butzbach from 1955-1959..7c Virginia rd was not called Roman way back then.dad was stationed at schloss kaserne and was transferred from ft Knox ky..3rd armored div..division..played baseball for ramblers 2nd base and pitcher.went to elementary school..German teachers were frau post and Fraulein meyer..4th grade teacher was Betty griswald.baseball sched was with kirsch goins..kaiserslauter..Goins....bad newheim..and others. Aya center built around 1957 and baseball field at same time on top of Roman ruins..found lots of cool stuff there.we all played in the massive coal hills at the plant..up behind the school in the forest with a very large pond..pulled sleds to school (American flyers) and then went home on Deadmans hill quickly..brother was Joe gilmore..graduated from Frankfurt high in 1959 and was first president of the youth center...we tried to get Elvis to appear but army flat rejected.can still remember walking down long dirt road to kaserne to see "the creature from the black lagoon" and walking home in the dark(it was a pretty long walk). Interesting to me that kids living there all seemed to do the same things over 50 years..I guess kids will be kids

  89. My dad was stationed at Ayers Kaserne from '77-'80 and our family lived in Roman Way housing. My dad was a Capt at that time and we lived in apartment 18-D on Texas Rd. My sister and I attended the elementary school, she grades 2-4 and I grades 4-6. I remember walking across a busy German road on the side of the housing area to get to the Edeka store, buying brotchen from a local baker who rang his bell while driving his bread truck through the housing area and another vendor who would sell authentic nutcrackers and wooded ornaments, eating currywurst and paprika pomme frites from the mobile imbiss, suicide hill behind the elementary school that everyone would slide/sled down in the winter (which turned to a sheet of packed ice very quickly and truly was thrillingly dangerous!), the public schwimmbad where I had my first exposure to co-ed nudity, walking to the shoppette for staples hoping they would last until we would drive to the Giessen or Frankfurt commissary to stand in the check-out line for hours with everyone else on payday, playing tetherball and kickball on the school playground, and being grossed out by all the worms that would be on the sidewalks when we walked to school in the rain, having soccer practice in the top-floor maid quarters of one of the apartment buildings in-between families living there as temp-quarters, and feeling scared to walk down in the basement to the common laundry area and the storage rooms. If anyone was in Mr. Ridge's 4th class 77-78, Ms. Crowder's 5th grade class 78-79, or Ms. Kiltz's 6th grade class 79-80 I would love to connect!

    1. Hi Tina, Bob (Lieutenant Robert Q. Jones, Jr. Bravo Company 2-36 Infantry) and I were your across the hall neighbors! We were there from April 1979 - August 1982. Your Mom and Dad were the Best!! We have our "Jones Family" plaque and a coal can your Mom gave us. She had painted a little girl on it and told me that was Kimberle! We later (in 1986) had our own little blonde haired girl who thought the little girl was her! I'd love to share stories with you!

    2. Hi Tina, We we’re your across the hall neighbors(18C)! Ann and Lt. Bob Jones loved you all! I’d love to share memories with you!!!! You were the best neighbors for the newlyweds from Atlanta GA! We keep the Jones Family plaque and the hand painted coal can your Mom gave us in our back door entrance. The little girl on the coal can is Kimberle and she looks just like our little girl who was born in 1986! So many fond memories of you all!

  90. 4A Texas RD, I think From '64 to '67 and also a Butzbach Little League Allstar for baseball, any one remember the AYA?

    1. Yes! The AYA was a smallish one-story center at the edge of our units. We were only there for a year when I was in 10th grade (Dad decided he was going to retire and we came back to my mother's hometown of Waynesboro PA. I had moved thirteen (13 !!) times by the end of my sophomore year)

  91. Lived here 84-85 was only five years old. I do remember the hidden tunnels , that was scary

  92. Wow sure brings back a flood of memories!! I suppose that they'll always be just below the surface.

  93. 1965-66, or maybe 66-67, Florida Strasse. Ach Du Liebe. This is very cool. I do remember the AYA and special shipments of Hostess Cupcakes. I'll return to add more another day. Today is the launch of this book, written by my sister Gretchen. Very moving for old military brats and important for kids/grandkids who have a parent who is a soldier.

  94. Wow und ach Du Liebe! We lived on Florida Strasse and up dog doo hill in an apartment for awhile, 1966-7, I think. I do remember the AYA, of course, with special shipments of Hostess Cupcakes at times at the little food store attached- the Deli? Today is the book launch for my sister, Gretchen Brandenburg McLellan's "When Your Daddy is a Soldier". Very moving for older military brats and essential reading for kids with soldier parents. Here is a link:

  95. Hello. Looking for people stationed in Germany, living in Roman way housing 99-2002. Thanks


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