12 November 2010

Footnote Friday - Let's Talk

Let's talk. I have a confession. Last week I was so excited to get started on the theme of Footnote Friday, that I neglected to do my homework. Today I found an informative post from f o o t n o t e M a v e n about source citations. If you are unfamiliar with formal genealogical work or you would like to better understand the need for source citations (in the form of footnotes or end notes), then this post should be a must read.

A few more clicks on the f o o t n o t e M a v e n blog and I found a reference to Footnote Friday in an article from 2009 on setting up a blogging schedule. I couldn't find a way to email to let f.M. know that I am sorry for my blunder. I still love the idea of Footnote Friday, but the idea is not after all original to me. What I have learned is, before you announce a new theme, make sure no one else has already done it. Please forgive me dear f.M. 

On a brighter note, I just greedily received the second edition of Evidence Explained from my favorite delivery guy. A quick perusal finds an entry in the index for Google Books, but not for Google Earth as I was hoping. I have mentioned before that I love Google Earth with all of its creative possibilities, but I have to figure out how to correctly source an image or video made with its software. 

Would anyone like my old copy of Evidence Explained, published in 2007? It's been highlighted and bookmarked, but it is yours for the price of postage. Just let me know in a comment.

More later. 

Scrappy Gen

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