19 March 2011

Follow Friday - Find Your Pot of Gold - IGSI and The Septs

Do you have Irish ancestors? Whether they hail from Ulster, Leinster, Munster or Connacht , you will find a pot of gold resources for furthering your research right here in America. The Irish Genealogical Society International or IGSI located in St. Paul Minnesota boasts a research library (at the Minnesota Genealogical Society Library), a website, a bookstore and classes. Library staff and volunteers offer assistance with research and brick wall problems.

Sounds great Scrappy Gen, you say, but I don't live anywhere near Minnesota. Well, neither do I and you don't have to! IGSI offers web content, including an online card catalog, a periodical collection list and for members an online index to IGSI periodicals.  The periodical collection is extensive and includes the IGSI quarterly journal, The Septs. The Septs is the reason I just renewed my membership through the end of 2012!

Each issue of The Septs includes topics ranging from general to specific. The January 2011 issue began with a comprehensive article on using newspapers for research. Subsequent articles narrowed to research with specific Irish newspapers. The Septs always includes articles for beginners and discusses key points like conflicting evidence. More advanced researchers will find helpful articles such as one in the January issue titled "Creating a Census Alternative" written by Dwight Radford. While this periodical is written for those with Irish roots, any genealogical researcher could make use of the methodology within its pages .

Additional membership benefits include a search function for all IGSI online content, a surname list and search function and the Genealas eNewsletter. Membership in the Irish Genealogical Society International is just $25 through the end of March, after which it will rise to a paltry $30. If you live at a distance from Minnesota and wish to forgo the print addition of The Septs, you can elect for an electronic subscription at the current rate of $25. All issues from 1980 through the present are available to members to download and read in pdf format. For anyone with Irish roots, this is the best $25 bucks you will spend. 

Still not convinced? Members and nonmembers alike can access the Research Guidelines section. It begins with an excellent Intro to Research by Tom Rice, CG. 

Last, but not least, IGSI has started a blog called Irish Research Notes...  IGSI can also be found on Facebook. While the IGSI blog does not appear very active, the blog in combination with with the IGSI digital offerings and its Facebook presence, announces that this is a society embracing social media and well positioned for the future of genealogical research.

Good day!

Scrappy Gen
Let's Remember!

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