03 May 2011

Home Again, Home Again...Bippity Boo!

Does anyone else say home again, home again? It's from an old nursery rhyme. We didn't go to market, or buy a pig or a hog, but we are home. My grandmother used to say home again, home again, but I added the bippity boo. Don't ask me why. I don't remember, but I do say it every time I get home.

My daughter and I just returned from Upper Marlboro, Maryland where she participated in the Interscholastic Equestrian Association National Finals at the Prince George's Equestrian Center. High school and middle school riders representing all parts of the country competed in both individual and team events. The Interscholastic Equestrian Association was formed to provide a more level playing field to open the sport to more students. It has succeeded admirably and is run by a group of dedicated and extraordinarily dedicated individuals. My thanks to them for providing this incredible opportunity. 

Before finals began, we spent a couple of hours visiting my favorite city.

We walked to the Washington Monument and were going to continue on to Lincoln, but it was HOT! So we sat at the monument for a bit, took some pictures, soaked up the atmosphere, and then looked for something to eat and drink.

The first restaurant we found was J&G Steakhouse on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 15th Street. 

The menu was expensive and limited, but sitting on the street allowed us to soak up more Washington atmosphere and the food was excellent. After dinner, we strolled back to the mall and were treated to a beautiful sunset.

These lucky folks were playing softball and soccer on the National Mall. What a place to live!

After enjoying the sites and sounds, we headed back to where our chariot awaited us. 

Washington is such a great place. I can't wait to return in August for the IAJGS Jewish genealogy conference and to do some research here. 

Happy Tuesday!

Scrappy Gen
Let's Remember!

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