22 October 2010

My Tree Has Deep Roots

My Tree in Gramma and Grampa's Yard:

When I was seven, I received a seedling on earth day. My parents, possibly with forethought that we wouldn't always be living in Longmeadow, had me plant my root in my grandparents' backyard. From that small root, a large evergreen (pictured here in 1994 - that's me on the left) has grown and today towers over us. It is tall and strong with deep roots, just like my family tree.

See more about genealogy bloggers' special trees in the Carnival of Genealogy, 110th edition on Creative Gene hosted by Jasia.  

Thanks for taking a peak at my tree. New evidence  about this story was unearthed when old slides were scanned. You know the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. True that. You can read the revised story in My First Blogiversary, The Truth Revealed

Scrappy Gen 
Let's Remember!


  1. Wow! Impressive tree, great photo. Thanks for sharing in the COG!

  2. Thanks for including my story. The tree is about twice as tall now. This picture was taken seventeen years ago.

  3. What a treat to have your own tree in your grandparents back yard!!! Very cool.

  4. Yes, it is very cool. Plus I'm lucky that my aunt bought the house so it is still in the family. Thanks for commenting. Jennifer

  5. How exciting that your aunt now owns the house.

  6. You have no idea how grateful I am that she does. Thinking of my Aunt today as she just had surgery yesterday, but is doing well.


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