13 March 2011

Scrappy Genealogist Learns to Blog - I found my idol!

Official seal of City of HoustonImage via Wikipedia
While browsing the internet this afternoon, I clicked a link and, *!BLAMO!*, I found the most amazing blog, Family Stories! It is written by blogger, Caroline Pointer, from Houston, Texas. What do I love about Caroline's blog? The layout is clean and well delineated. The banner is the best one I have found so far in the family history blogging community. Her content is interesting and funny. She has done a great job making her links and buttons appealing. In addition to this well crafted blog, Caroline writes several other blogs, including For Your Family Story, which is a resource for anyone needing assistance with genealogical research

After looking through For Your Family Story I had to do a lot of positive self talk and remind myself that I have only been blogging for five months. Once I picked myself up, I sat myself back down and really looked at Caroline's blogs to figure out what I liked and what I could learn. In addition to my likes listed above, I would like to add that her tone is very friendly and welcoming. Even though For Your Family Story exists to generate business, it is first and foremost helpful and personal. Her sites (in terms of offering genealogical services) are where I would like mine to be in a couple of years. Would it be stalkerish to say that I think I have found my genealogical idol? 

I learned about several cool blogging tools. The first thing I am trying as I type and that is a service called Zemanta. Check it out if you are interested. I will post a review in a few days.

Has anyone else found a genealogical blogging idol? Tell us why are they idol worthy.

Happy Sunday!

Scrappy Gen
Let's Remember!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I absolutely love Caroline's blog too! It is one of my top five favorites.

  2. It took me so long to find her blog. She should have been in the top 40!

  3. I am absolutely floored and flattered! Thank you so much. You've left me speechless. [Not wordless, though. That'd be a blogger's nightmare.]

    It's taken a lot of re-working on my blog to get it the way I want it. It's gone through many, many transformations, and if I had more hours in the day, I'd probably make some more changes. But that's just the artist in me. [She's never satisfied. ;) ]

    I'm still working out the kinks at For Your Family Story, but thank you so very much for the shout-out. And I'm so glad my message of helpfulness came through. Yes, I want business, but I want to help folks too. I know whenever I'm shopping, I really appreciate the helpful clerk who gives me a little free advice. It's what my Dad used to call, "good business". [And he was almost as right as many times as my Mom was right. But it was hard to compete with my Mom's "Spidey senses".]

    Wow. I'm someone's genealogical idol AND I have my very own blog stalker. So cool. LOL.

    I just can't tell you enough how much your kind words mean to me. They mean more than any ol' "Top Whatever" list. I'll take your blog post over any list any day of the week and twice on Sunday's. [And today IS Sunday.]

    By the way, when I was looking at your blog yesterday, I was drooling over your blog header. The cherub perched on the frame writing a story? Adorable. The itty bitty squirrel munching on a nut? My favorite. Correctly depicts our ancestors and their families as well. Angels, squirrels, and nuts. [Well, at least it depicts mine anyways.] We'll have to compare notes on blog header designs.

    You're awesome & thank you so very much!


  4. You are most welcome, Caroline! Thank you for reading and stalking me back. Just hope my kids don't find out I'm a stalker. For teenagers, being called a stalker is the modern equivalent of being called a super nerd. Of course, super nerds can be supremely happy, so...

  5. I'm a fan of her writing, too. Nice choice.

  6. Amy, I consider you an expert too! Glad you agree! Jennifer


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