18 December 2011

Scrapbook Sunday - Scrapbooking Time

Good morning readers. It's a beautiful, quiet morning in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. I don't have to rush off to the barn first thing today. Usually my daughter and I leave just after first light and return around Noon on Sundays.

Today is different (better) because my oldest daughter returned from college on Friday. She is an equestrian too and will happily head to the barn with her sister.

Before they go, the three of us are baking Hanukkah sugar cookies. Then MJ and I will head to Temple Israel for a community Hanukkah party while the girls go riding. I think I will even have some time for scrapbooking this afternoon.

How about you? What are you doing today? Shopping, baking, wrapping, partying....? Or, are you creating a project for Scrapbook Sunday? 

The newest member of the Virtual GeneaScrappers posted her title page for the Family History Album Class from JessicaSprague.com. And wow! Yvonne from The Adventures of Garrett Squared has just upped the ante at our scrapping table. You have got to see it! I am trying very hard to not feel inadequate. (I will not compare. I will not compare.) If you have time, head over and welcome Yvonne.

For today and the next two Sundays, we will have a free for all theme for Scrapbook Sunday. If you have time to create a scrapbooking project or page related to family history, post it. Beginning in 2012 we will get back to a regular schedule. 

Later today, I will post the ornaments I have been busy creating over the last few days. Plus, I've got a Hanukkah layout to share. Here are a few things that caught my fancy for scrapbooking time in the paper world:


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen. Thank you for your very kind words about my title page.

    Here is what I used:
    Bottom layer is just a dark brown flood fill.
    Next layer is:

    Rough Hewn Paper Super Mini 2
    From Scrapgirls.com

    The crinkled paper is
    Rough Hewn Paper Super Mini
    from Scrapgirls.com

    The long rusty bar is
    Long rusty bar
    ScrapSimple Tools - Styles: Time Traveler 7601 Biggie
    from scrapgirls.com

    the Rusty Key
    Well Traveled Paper Mini
    from Scrapgirls.com

    Metal File Tab Holder
    Scenic Route Collection Biggie
    from scrapgirls.com

    Gold Key
    Christmas Forever - Cari Lopez
    from heritagescrap.com

    BTW--I LOVE HORSES!!!! and your barn is so pretty! Lucky Horses! Lucky YOU! I always tried to convince my parents that if I had a horse it could sleep in my room! LOL

    Did I say I LOVE HORSES???? Wonderful!

    This is SO much FUN!!!! I am so glad that I found you guys because I needed the kick start to get digital scrapping. Glad we have a couple of weeks here for me to catch up.

    Happy Hanukkah!


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