married August Ginter 6 May 1914 at Evangelical Lutheran Immanuels Kirche in
Bristol.3 Together
they had six children; Edmund born 1916,4 Ruth [my
grandmother] born 1917,5 Helen born
1917,6 Lydia born
1923,7 Ernest born
19298 and
Dorothy born 1938. All lived to adulthood, married and had children except Dorothy,
who passed away in 1939 at five months old.9
Happy Scrapbook Sunday!
Scrappy Gen
Reconnecting Relatives, LLC
Let’s Remember!
This challenge 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks is provided by Amy Johnson Crow of No Story Too Small (Don't you just love that title?). I am jumping in on week three, which will be my week one, but I am omitting the number count in my title so as not to confuse anyone...or me. Thank you, Amy, for this challenge. Weekly recaps by Amy can be read here.
As a bonus, because I am the Scrappy Genealogist, each of my posts will include a heritage page featuring my ancestor. Hope you enjoy them!
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